Are you looking for an easy to make, all natural, cheap foaming hand soap that smells great too? Look no further because I have a super simple recipe to share with you today!

This 4 ingredient, easy to make, all natural foaming hand soap is the perfect addition to your bathroom, and it smells great, too!

Foaming hand soap is one of the easiest and most cost effective products you can easily make yourself! For years I indulged in nearly every scent of Bath and Body Work’s foaming hand soap but since I have been trying to use more natural products on myself and my family I decided it was time to ditch them! Plus, at $3 a bottle (and that’s the lowest sale price) it occurred to me that I could make my very own foaming hand soap from ingredients I already had on hand, that are much cheaper in the long run than buying the fancy soaps.

Don’t get me wrong, while I love me some Pumpkin Marshmallow Latte and Warm Vanilla Sugar, I feel much better about what my family is putting on our skin when I make my own homemade foaming hand soap. And, there are only 4 ingredients.

DIY Foaming Hand Soap

Foaming Hand Soap DIY

Mix together:

1/3 cup Castile soap 

2/3 cup water

1 T skin oil; you can use Grapeseed Oil, Fractionated Coconut oil or even Vitamin E oil

10 drops of essential oil

Combine the Castile soap, oil(s) of your choice, skin oil and water. Shake to combine. Pour into a clean foaming hand soap container. You can buy fancy ones like this (which is super pretty, by the way!) but I just used an empty one I had on hand.

I made lemon soap for my kitchen, lemon mint for the kid’s bath and a plain lavender scented soap for my bathroom. I really enjoy using this soap! I’d love to try a few different scented oils next time. Eden’s garden has some blends that I think would smell really good in soap form… I’m thinking Purify or Uplift for my sink, Vetiver for my husbands and Bee Happy (from their awesome line of children’s oils) for the girls’ bathroom!

DIY Foaming Hand Soap

These DIY foaming hand soaps would also make a great gift for someone! In the future, I’m planning on making some labels to pretty up those clear bottles, I’ll update this post when I do:)

I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial on how to make your one DIY foaming hand soap!

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