Please don’t tell me you think you’re coming down with a cold! No mama has time for that! Do you feel that annoying little scratch you feel deep in your throat or in the back of your nasal cavity? I know that feeling all too well, and when I feel that nasty scratch I need cold remedies that get rid of a cold fast!

Feeling that tell tale scratch in your throat of a cold coming on? These natural cold remedies will get rid of that cold before it has a chance to settle in!

I was laying in bed one night trying to nod off after a long day chasing my kids. As I was laying there filing away the day’s events, I felt “the scratch.” When you first feel that scratch,  you’re  in denial. You don’t want to admit that the feeling you are experiencing is more than likely a cold coming on because when you’re a mom, there are no sick days. Heck, even if you aren’t a mom, ain’t nobody got time for that.

Guess what? The combination of cold remedies WORKED! Here’s what I do every time I’m feeling a cold coming on:

cold remedies

Cold Remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar Blend

Apple Cider Vinegar is becoming a go-to remedy for everything from acne to gut health. But, did you know it will also help kick a cold? Cold viruses can’t live in an alkaline environment. (It seems as if ACV would be acidic based on its taste, but it is in fact Alkaline.) When attempting to stop a cold, regular ol’ Heinz ACV for cooking won’t cut it. You need a good ACV with “the mother” like this one. You can also get this in most local grocers.

Here’s the simple mix I take when I feel a cold coming on:

2 Tablespoons Raw, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tablespoons apple juice (this isn’t necessary, but it helps kill the tanginess of the ACV)
As much water as you want. I usually add about 1/4 cup of cold water.

Drink the mix every 4-6 hours. No joke, this will get rid of your cold. The earlier you start ingesting it, the better it will work! I took it at 11 pm, 6 am and 12 pm. Bye Bye cold!

Stock up on This Vitamin!

I live in Michigan. I can almost guarantee you that I don’t get enough Vitamin D. So when I feel a cold coming on, you better believe I’m taking as much as I can. (I take 10,000 IUD a day at the first sign of a cold) Vitamin D is essential for boosting levels of antimicrobial peptides (Natural antibiotic-like substances) which help your immune system. It is thought that daily vitamin D supplements would prevent more than three million people a year falling ill with a cold or the flu! No wonder people often come down with the cold and flu in the winter! I like NatureWise Vitamin D.

Give Your Sinuses a Bath!

Sounds funny, huh? If you’ve never used a Neti Pot before, you’re missing out! I first used one while visiting my husband’s Grandma Florence in Philadelphia for the first time. Upon first sight, this seems like an odd contraption. But, she swore by it, and she’s an 87-year-old lady who I’m pretty sure knows everything! My nose and sinuses had never felt better. I definitely think the Neti Pot is an essential cold remedy.

Take Advantage of This Wonder Oil

What can’t you use Coconut Oil for? It’s basically good for anything you can think of – I use it daily! Did you know that Coconut Oil is a great anti-viral? It can target virtually any virus, including the cold virus! 1-2 tablespoons a day of a coconut oil when you feel a cold coming will ward off the viruses and help to stop them dead in their tracks.

Try This Legendary Essential Oil

You might not have Thieves Oil on hand, but it’s definitely worth having around. Thieves Oil is an essential oil that is known for it’s supporting and protecting properties. There are all kinds of stories about how Thieves oil came to be, but what matters, is that it helps your body fight a cold. Typically, it is a blend of clove, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary, so it smells great too! I combine a few drops of Thieves with Coconut oil and rub it on the bottom of my feet a few times a day. I love Eden’s Garden Thieves Oil; it is super pure yet super cost effective compared to the leading oil companies. They call their Thieves blend “Fighting Five”.

For easy application and convenience, I keep a few of these glass rollers filled with pre-mixed Thieves oil and this fractionated coconut oil so it’s ready whenever we need it! Sometimes I even diffuse it to kill any airborne viruses with this oil diffuser.

Try This Sweet and Simple Concoction of Berries and Honey

Elderberry syrup is also something that I always have on hand for when a cold strikes. There is a lady around town that makes it from scratch, but when I’m out of that, I stick with this Elderberry Syrup. This is one of my favorite things for my kiddos to take, because it tastes like berry syrup. I’m not exactly sure what the difference is, but there is also a kid-friendly Elderberry Syrup as well. Elderberry boosts the immune system and can shorten colds and flu, but it’s not a bad idea to take it routinely. Someday, I’ll have my own Elderberry tree so that I can make my own syrup.

So, there you go! With these 6 cold remedies, I guarantee your cold will be out before it has a chance to settle in! Do you have any other go-to cold remedies? Share them in the comments below!

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